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I am a fourth generation female artist. So you might say I was born to be creative. My grandmother gave me my first art lessons at age five. And like my grandmother I attended the California College of Arts and Crafts. She in 1906 and and  I in 1980. Then Berkeley and Richmond College, London, England. My primary focus was graphic design then architectural drawing which led me to 14 years in interior design.


In 1992 I joined Gallery House art co-op in Palo Alto . So I would have a creative outlet for the work I was compelled to create. Then co-started the Main Gallery in Redwood City in 2000. Where I still happily show my work.


I discovered I like to re-purpose found objects. Luckily my big brother had taught me to use power tools. So now you can often find me in my outdoor workshop, sanding and hammering away on a future work of art.


I like to use vintage photos and incorporate them into my ‘Mirror constructions’. Through a process in which I make a decal of a photo and attach that to a mirror. These constructions also include antique hardware on which you can hang necklaces, scarves or whatever takes your fancy. I like the fact that these pieces are functional.


With my paintings I often start with a small sketch of abstract forms or figures. The ideas for these come from forms found in nature.  When I’m drawing it comes purely from memory or instinct. Then I transfer it to canvas or board working with many different mediums. Mixing a collage of papers with plaster and paint, I delineate, subtract and add till I’m satisfied with the result.

883 Santa Cruz Avenue, Suite 1

Menlo Park, California 94025

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