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We are currently seeking new members working in three dimensional media including jewelry, woodworking, blown glass, and sculpture


Jurying Requirements

  • Five pieces of current work (produced within the last two years) in each medium.

  • A brief Artist Statement discussing your artwork, what it is about and the technique used  

  • Photographs of five to ten additional pieces of your art

  • 2-dimensional work must be presented framed, ready to hang and able to be handled by two people. We appreciate modern simple frames in a neutral tone or black or white.

  • 3-dimensional work must be light enough to be lifted and carried by 2 people.

  • Pieces that require power, water, gas, etc. cannot be considered.

  • There is no fee to submit your work for jurying when you apply.



What we are looking for

  • Competence in medium

  • Mature, or has potential, in artistic merit

  • Professional in the presentation

  • A cohesive body of work 


We are looking for what is known as a "body of work."  This means that we need to see five related pieces of art with a consistent, cohesive style and a clear artistic vision. Since we are a co-op gallery and group exhibitions must consist of artworks that go well together, we will consider how the work is presented.  Frames should be simple and in neutral tones with wires for hanging. Museum-wrap canvases are acceptable.



The Main Gallery Benefits


  • Regular access to a vibrant artistic community

  • The opportunity for gallery experience - a critical component of any art professional’s cv

  • The option to show your work in a centrally-located, high-traffic business community traditionally known for art galleries, interior design and home furnishing enterprises

  • Participation in group shows, which change every six weeks, with at least three of your works displayed at all times, depending on size and media

  • Featured Artist opportunity available on rotation with other gallery members 

  • Wide-reaching marketing and PR support through listings and ads on multiple platforms

  • Your own Meet the Artist Interview blog feature, posted on our website and launched through our newsletter

  • Interaction with a community of successful mid-career artists

  • Sales commission of 30% rather than the 50% typical of commercial galleries

  • Square credit card transaction fees paid by the gallery

  • The chance to gain new business skills that are directly applicable to your own art business


The Main Gallery Member Requirements


  • Pay an initial fee of $450 ($100 initiation + $350 first and last month dues + $20 key deposit)

  • Submit monthly dues of $175 due on the first of each month

  • Staff the gallery one to two days per month (predicated on gallery hours and staffing roster), pay someone else $60 to staff for you, or contribute in an equivalent way if you are in a medically vulnerable cohort and have staffing limitations

  • Additionally, join a TMG team (Installation, Marketing, Finance) and contribute a minimum of 10 hours per month to running the gallery business

  • Participate regularly in TMG all-member meetings (now held the 3rd Sunday of every other month via Zoom; special time sensitive meetings periodically called ad-hoc)

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